We are a Christian Apologetic Ministry: We expose religious
cults, and false prophets and false teachings within the
Christian Church.
We are a Prison Ministry: On written request, we provide
free Bibles and Christian books to anyone who is in jail
or prison. We also supply free Christian books and literature
to prison chaplains as our book and Bible supply is available.
We are a Street Ministry: We pass out Christian literature
anywhere we find large gatherings of people. We preach on
the street corners. We supply tracts to others at our cost
and many times for free.
We are a World Wide Web Ministry: Reaching out to all those
in search of the truth.
Jesus People Book Club
Join our Jesus People Book Club. For a $25 tax-deductible
donation or more per month, to help us supply free literature
worldwide, we will send you a quality Christian book every month.
We have the best information available on cults and current
Christian issues and doctrine. We have books on every subject,
doctrines, Christian living, cults and occult. Too many to list.
Contact us for a certain subject, for example Mormonism, and we
will tell you what we have and what size of donation we must
have for the book, or materials. Contact us with your specific
questions and requests.
Jesus People Newsletter
Our newsletters are available in bulk orders: 50 copies for $30;
100 copies for $45. Mini-bulk order: 10 copies for $5.00. We pay
all shipping costs on bulk orders. Prices are for U.S. only. If
you live in the United States and would like to obtain a free
newsletter write to us at 4338 3rd Ave, Sacramento, CA 95817 or
e-mail us at jesuspeoplemin[at]sbcglobal[dot]net with your
request.-- No phone calls for this offer.
We have been exposing Religious Cults for over four decades.
We are a nonprofit religious research library.
We are a non-profit Christian publisher. We print our own
magazines and religious tracts.